– On February 6, Rob spoke at the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) NWFL/ALA/MS/LA Chapter in New Orleans on Synergistic Sales Skills. Over 40 of the top office/industrial brokers from these 4 states attended the Pan Am Conference Center for this 3 hour presentation. Rob presented new ways of marketing to express value to clients and included examples of non-real estate company struggles with competition. On February 12, Rob spoke at the SIOR Oregon Chapter on Commercial Due Diligence on the Sale of Real Estate and Understanding a Corporation’s Financial Statements. The program was held the University Club in downtown Portland. The attendees had a review of due diligence both from as a selling and buying broker. The material than dissected company financials and financial statements to evaluation risk and credit factors in lease negotiations. On February 25, Rob gave his program “From Shanghai to Your Shelf: Industrial Logistics and Supply Chain” to the SIOR E. Tennessee Chapter. This 4 hour CE approved program was delivered to its members in downtown Nashville. Rob discussed the intricacies of the 3rd Panama Canal and the impact on industrial site selection on the east coast, the shift from the west to east coast and corporate mathematical models used internal at corporation’s real estate committee on selecting building and/or land sites. Rob also gave the same presentation, “From Shanghai to Your Shelf” to the Louisiana Industrial Development Executive Association (LIDEA) in Bossier City, LA on March 18. Over 60 members attended this pre-convention seminar. The event was held at the Shreveport-Bossier City Casino and attendees were from various state and county economic development offices, rail roads and utility companies.