Rob then was invited to deliver “From Shanghai to Your Shelf” on May 4, 2016 for the Seattle Commercial Broker’s Association and the SIOR Washington Chapter. Over 60 attendees were present from economic developers to the premier industrial brokers and developers. Rob also toured the Seattle Port on a private presentation made to him in preparation for this presentation. His 4 hour CE approved program was delivered to its members in downtown Seattle (see photo). The presentation reveils how corporations use mathematical formulas in the site selection decision-making in the world of logistics/supply chain when importing from Shanghai to U.S. distribution centers and retail locations. Over 280 slides include presentations of a dozen U.S ports, inland ports, intermodal pros and cons, 3PL, logistic hubs and internal building technology that has revolutionized industrial real estate. This high powered presentation based on proprietary research has been highly touted and presented to over 20 SIOR, CCIM chapters and Commercial Boards nationwide.