Mr. Nahigian conducted a facilities evaluation and market search that included a geographic area from Western and Central MA to SE MA and Rhode Island. Springfield, Worcester, Rt. 495, SE MA and Central MA were the focus points studied. The study unveiled more than 45 sites, land and/or existing buildings with the minimum criteria of having 90,000 to 120,000 square feet with outdoor parking for over 120 cars and trucks. The property at 7-9 Latti Farm was available by the owner. The property includes over 38 acres of land with the building.
HMI also had a location in Woburn, MA at Cummings Park that it recently consolidated to Whitinsville, MA. During the site selection process, Rob Nahigian contacted MA Office of Business Development and MassEcon for guidance on possible sites, funding, financial incentives and loan packages for Woon-Tech
The renovation construction should be completed near the end of the summer, 2021. Woon-Tech expects to occupy the space in the Fall, 2021. Auburndale Realty Co. exclusively represented WoonTech. The property will be completed with renovations and reconstruction during August, 2021.