September-December, 2020, Rob Nahigian was asked to instruct and serve as a guest speaker at a number of events. During September, Rob served as a speaker for the Rhode Association of Realtors on commercial leasing and lease clauses. He delivered 4 classes for RI and MA CE real estate credit. On Sept. 21-22, Rob taught the SIOR Designation Zoom Course on Negotiating Skills that serves as elective credit for the SIOR designation. On November 3 and 5, November 18, November 20 and December 4 MA NAIOP Chapter engaged Rob to teach 4 courses for its MA NAIOP Real Estate Certificate. Topics included Highest and Best Use, Due Diligence, Evaluating Risk in a Tenant’s Financial Statement and Making a Deal. The MA NAIOP chapter teamed up with the WA NAIOP Chapter for two of these events. On November 9 and 10, Rob taught SIOR National Designation Course elective credit on Negotiating Skills. On November 13, the Seattle Commercial Brokers Association invited Rob to serve on its all day Zoom panel. His topic was Chaos and Calamity with Logistics/Supply Chain Industrial Real Estate. Rob gave an update on the health of logistics supply chain nationally, on the west coast and then Seattle for 2020 and the impact of CV19 and E-Commercial. On December 1, Rob was a guest adjunct professor at the Boston Architectural College for Professor Dana Rowan. The Zoom class was on entrepreneurship and developing a small real estate firm, the challenges and successes.