Auburndale Realty Co., Newton, Mass. is pleased to announce July 26, 2018 that it has recently completed a counseling assignment that resulted in the expansion and leasing of 5 Forge Parkway, Franklin, Mass. Rob Nahigian, FRICS,SIOR,CRE,MCR was the real estate counselor representing the ownership, JD Family Trust on the additional leasing of its industrial facility to New England Treatment Access, Inc (NETA). NETA is a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with its roots in Colorado. The tenant had originally signed a long-term lease in 2013-14 years ago for approximately 61,000 sf of warehouse, 10,000 sf of mezzanine space and 1,176 sf of garage space. The total square footage was 71,326 sf for medicinal marijuana grow facility. Nahigian served as the real estate counselor on the first phase of the assignment for JD Family Trust for the 71,326 sf. The warehouse facility was formally occupied by Ferguson Plumbing for a number of years. NETA approached JD Family Trust to lease the entire facility as its medicinal facility back in 2013. NETA was one of the first entities to receive a license from the State to grow medicinal marijuana. NETA has had immense success in Colorado and brought that experience to Massachusetts.